No Room At The Inn – Making Space For God

In our fast-paced world, making space for God can often feel like a challenge. Reflecting on the timeless story of ‘No Room at the Inn,’ let’s discover how we can open our hearts and homes to spiritual growth and connection.

Have you ever felt just a bit too caught up in the whirlwind of life? I know I have. Sometimes, it feels like my phone is practically glued to my hand! But recently, something special happened. During my quiet time – a moment of peace I hadn’t felt in ages – I sensed a gentle nudge in my heart. It was as if God was saying, “Make space for me.”

Life can be so distracting, Lord. There’s always things to do, places to go, people to see and social media updates to catch up on 🫣. The content creators are really working overtime, and we’re all the worse off for it. In this whirlwind of activities and notifications, it’s easy to overlook the quiet knocks, the gentle whispers from God asking for a space in our lives.

I’m currently journeying through the book of Luke, reflecting on a year that’s had its fair share of ups and downs. In Luke chapter 2, we find Mary and Joseph on their way to Bethlehem for a census. Imagine being heavily pregnant, away from home, and searching for a place to stay in a city brimming with people!

Their quest for a room led them to a barn – the birthplace of Jesus, laid in a manger, a simple feeding trough. It’s fascinating how Jesus, with all the power of heaven, chose such a humble beginning. I couldn’t help but think, if I were in God’s shoes, I would’ve gone all out – lights, cameras, action! A grand entrance for my Son. But that’s not God’s style, is it? He let His Son, the Saviour of the world be born in the feeding trough because there was no room at the inn. Surely, the God of all the Universe could have created a room from thin air, if He wanted to. He could have literally caused a spare room to appear in that inn, to the amazement of everyone in that town. That could have been Jesus’ first miracle.

His gentleness is what truly amazes me. Just like He did at the inn during the birth of Jesus, God, the Almighty, chooses not to force His presence but to gently knock on the doors of our hearts, waiting for us to let Him in.

It reminds me of a Love that’s patient and kind, not boastful or proud. A love that waits for us to accept Him, to open our hearts willingly. A love that is not forceful, demanding or manipulative.

So, today, amidst the chaos of our ever-busy lives, let’s pause and think: are we making room for Him? Or is our ‘inn’ too full, leaving Him out in the cold? I’m committing to keeping a room open in my heart, a sanctuary where He is always welcome. Because in the end, that’s what true love is – making space, even when life tries to convince us there’s none left.