Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
Mark 6:31 NIV
Rest is good. So why then do we neglect to take time out for ourselves?
In our Bible verse today, we see Jesus drawing his disciples away to rest, . We’re told in Genesis’ account of creation, that God Himself rested on the 7th day.
Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.
Like He said to his disciples, could He also be saying to you today, “come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest”.
What do you think of when you hear the word “rest”? Do you imagine sitting in a rocking chair, your feet up on the ottoman, watching a warm fire crackling in front of you? Or maybe it’s getting into bed at night and reading for an hour before sleep takes over. These are both great ideas. The Google Dictionary says to rest is to cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength.
A quiet place, for me, is one without distractions. Without the endless activity that wears us out on a daily basis. A quiet place is one where we are still, and able to connect again with God. Psalm 23 verses 2-3 says that He leads us beside the still waters and restores our souls.
Rest is good
No matter how noble our intentions, we run the risk of burnout if we don’t take out time to rest and recover strength – by going away with Him to a quiet place. Some of my best memories are of checking into a hotel or just staying in my room, armed with a few favorite sermons, my bible, my journal, music, and a good book. I usually come away refreshed, with a word from God and recharged.
With all the hassle about travel restrictions, overburdened airports, and inflation that is spiraling out of control, you may have to be a little more creative in carving out your time of rest. When things get too busy for me and I cannot get away (which by the way is very often), I find it easier to take the day off. I stay up all night, reading, praying, journaling, and connecting with God – when everyone else is sleeping. I then catch up on my sleep during the day. Usually, I come out of my day off refreshed, refocused, and ready to keep going.
Rest is good, important, and beneficial. Rest is a part of life, a part of the Christian life, and necessary for spiritual growth. Unfortunately, we don’t always make time for it. I pray that this reminds you to carve out time, find your quiet place, and connect with Jesus so that you can come out refreshed and revived.
If you’re reading this right now and are struggling with burnout, constantly being tired and discouraged – you may need to take some time to rest and recover strength. I pray that this reminds you to proactively carve out time, find your quiet place, and connect with Jesus. You’ll come out refreshed and revived. His strength and His grace are always available and more than enough.