Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day! If you live in North America or any of the other countries celebrating today! I had initially thought that I would not pay too much attention to this day this year, but now that it’s here, I’m all up in my feels. This happens every year!

Today, I sit here and reflect on the privilege of motherhood. I am grateful for all the women out there who are loving, nurturing and pouring themselves into others, regardless of if they carried them in their wombs or not. 

Motherhood can look different for everyone! Mother figures, moms at heart, and everyone else who has loved another person as a mother would, this one’s for you! It takes a lot to pour into another person unconditionally, in the way that moms do. May your sacrifices and labour of love be rewarded generously. And may you live to see your desires fulfilled in the lives of the ones you have laboured over. 

On my heart this morning too, are the moms whose kids have gone ahead of them into eternity. I pray for you today. May the God of all comfort envelop you in his peace and comfort today. May you feel overwhelmingly aware of His love, His comfort and His grace towards you today. May His presence overshadow you and give you a peace that passes all understanding. 

Moms are not perfect! We like to think we are! I tell my kids all the time, I see all things and I know all things. And right after, someone always comes to ask me a difficult homework question that I most definitely do not know the answer to.

 “Did you not just say you know everything?” 

“ I do, just not this one!” Yeah.

Motherhood is hard, and joyful and rewarding and exhausting and beautiful all at the same time! Half the time (well, almost all the time, if I’m honest) I feel like I don’t even know what I’m doing. Are these  kids listening and watching? Are they learning from me? Am I teaching them the right things? Am I doing the right things? Am I equipping them well enough for the future? Am I there for them enough? Am I nourishing their spirit, soul and body the right way? Oh boy, the anxieties of a mother’s heart are numerous. 

It’s why I am so grateful for the gift of prayer! I could not do motherhood without prayer! With prayer, I can bring all my concerns and fears to Jesus, the one who entrusted these children to my care, and who knows them better than I ever could. I have prayed about big things, small things and everything else in between. I have prayed over their current seasons and even future seasons that they are yet to walk into. And I have seen God answer those prayers time and time again. 

At the end of it all, I want to hear “Welldone, you good and faithful servant” from the One who has entrusted these kids to my care. I draw a lot of parenting inspiration from scripture. Please allow me share one of my favourite parenting bible verses with you:

Gen 18:19 – For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.”

God chose Abraham because he knew that Abraham would direct his children and household to keep the ways of God! I believe that He has the same expectation of you and I, as parents too. And I pray for the grace to fulfill this mandate, to the glory of His name. 

Happy Mother’s Day!