Psalm 34:19
‘The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all.’
There’s more than enough trouble in this world we live in. Every day, we wake up to yet another discouraging report of a world gone mad. While we live in the world, we will have trouble. Jesus said as much; ‘in this world, you shall have tribulation’.
God says He sends the sun and the rain on both the just and the unjust. The difference between us and them then, is our hope in Christ. For in God, we are assured that in spite of whatever may be going on, in the end, it will be well with us. We are assured of God’s faithfulness, of Him being on our side. (for if God be on our side, who can be against us).
Be encouraged by the analogy of the catapult. The catapult is a device used to propel objects held in their slings, much farther than they would have gone, if thrown with ordinary human strength. Usually, the way it works is this; the further back the object in the sling is pulled, the farther its travel projectory when its released! There’s usually some resistance and strain on the elastic string, while pulling the missile in the strands of the sling backward. . but the slight discomfort is for a good cause. . that the object may travel much farther than it ever would have, otherwise.
Do you feel your troubles are pulling you back and putting you under such strain you fear you might break or collapse under all the stress? Perhaps, the Lord will allow this that you may be propelled forward, farther than you ever could have gone on your own. Don’t give up, stay righteous, stay strong and focused. The Lord is on your side!
Like James the brother of Jesus said, remember that the testing of your faith produces patience. And when patience finishes its work in you, you will be mature and complete, not lacking anything.