Proverbs 19:22
‘Its better to be poor than to be a liar.’
Other versions say, ‘a poor man is better than a liar’. This is God’s standard. God hates lying so much because its inconsistent with His nature. He is truth, and all He does is true. The Devil is the father of lies, and I can only imagine how much it breaks God’s heart when His children fib away at the slightest opportunity.
I realize that a lie is a lie is a lie! Doesn’t matter what colour it is or why it was said. I pray that God would help us hate lying as much as he does. I marvel at the ease with which untruths roll off my tongue when my perceived safety is at stake. It’s pretty easy to tell the truth when it favors us, but it takes a lot of courage to stand by truth when its most difficult. Yet still, God’s standard will not change. He expects truth from us always! Help us to always be true, however heavy the cost.