God’s grace is more than enough. It’s His compassion, His provision, His ability, His blessings.
But we can miss out on it all.
Imagine being invited over to a friend’s house where a meal has been prepared for you and then sleeping hungry because you didn’t eat? That happens quite often in the Christian life when we don’t partake of what God has provided for us because of lack of knowledge or distraction.
Our anchor scripture today is Hebrews12:15 – ” See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.”
For me, first of all, this is a reminder to look out for each other. Ensure that we are growing together, paying attention to each other. We are all co-travelers on this journey of faith, and we must see to it that we all succeed and no one falls behind.
God’s grace connotes his compassion, his provision, his ability, and all the ways he blesses us. W.E.Vine describes grace as God’s resourcefulness, the ease with which He does all His works. God’s grace means that He meets us where we are and helps us to become what He intended us to be. His grace flows like an inexhaustible stream for our every need.
And His grace is more than enough, the Bible tells us. When we miss out on His grace, we struggle. and when we struggle, we open the door to resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, and more.
So no matter what is going on in your life, the fact remains God has you covered. He is ever so gracious and merciful to us, each and every one of us, even when we don’t deserve it. That’s the beauty of His grace. Every day, I need to remind myself how blessed I am by God. And I believe all of us need to keep reminding each other as well. Remember that you are blessed beyond measure and He will always be able to supply your needs as long as you remember to trust Him. His grace is full of goodness and he is always only a prayer away!
Let’s pray:
Father, thank you for your abundant grace. Help us to be aware of it and to receive it every day. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.